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Marketing Email Template Based On Problem Agitate Solve

Problem, Agitate, Solve Email Template

You start by making your target audience's problem crystal-clear to them.

Then you agitate the problem they're having. Show them why having this problem is a big deal and what the outcome of continuing to have this problem will be in their lives.

You then give them your solution, ideally packaged as the only real solution there is, after you have invalidated all the other possible solutions. Tell them how to solve their problem (by buying the product you're promoting, or taking the logical next step). Below is the template. Notes are in red.



You are PROBLEM HERE [example: skinny as a bean pole, in debt, addicted to gambling] And that means EXPAND ON PROBLEM [example: You look weak, and you feel weak too / unable to meet your loved ones' demands because you're prioritizing to clear the debt / at risk of losing your home because you fear you'll gamble away the mortgage money].

And it's not your fault, you've the PERSON TO BLAME for this [example: the casinos addicting you by creating an atmosphere around gambling that draws you back time and time again to get you hooked]. We/I had to deal with this too in the past and it's not easy [NOTE: instead of this 'person to blame' angle, you can simply use the 'you're not alone' empathy statement. The point is to show some sympathy and to make your audience perk up, see you as one of them, so they tune in some more into your message.]

But while it might not be your fault.... If you don't DEAL WITH THIS / GET A GRIP ON THIS / TURN THIS AROUND soon then AGITATE PROBLEM AND SHOW HOW IT'S AN EVEN BIGGER PROBLEM [example: you'll be in debt your entire life, and face the silent reproach from your loved ones every day at the dinner table, for failing to help them live the life of their dreams].

It's not just as simple as WHAT THEY HAVE BEEN DOING IN THE PAST THAT ISN'T WORKING [example: writing memos to carry with you to check your impulse buying whenever you go shopping]. There are "secrets" to WHAT THEY ARE TRYING TO ACHIEVE [example" there are secrets to living debt-free] I have been WHAT YOU ARE TRYING TO TEACH THEM [example: I have been debt-free for seven years now, and saving more than enough to give my loved ones the life of their dreams].

So what's the solution you're asking? It's easy.... PARTIALLY DESCRIBE SOLUTION HERE WITHOUT GIVING TOO MUCH AWAY [example: The easiest way to get out of debt in my experience is via stock investing that you can learn on the cheap and risk-free within a couple of months]. And I want to show you how I did it.

Today I / PERSON / COMPANY has revealed their secret to WHAT THEY WANT TO ACHIEVE [example: securing your incomes and living debt-free through stock investing]. This is the same PRODUCT / SYSTEM / COURSE that I used to achieve END RESULT [i.e. living debt-free through investing your savings in stocks] and it's only available on the link below...

>> Insert link here <<

Enjoy, [Your Name]


That there is the marketing email template that leverages the problem, agitate, solve copywriting formula. As you can see, it works best when you are familiar with your target audience's pain points; so, take your time and research the market. 

When you have these pain points your email copy will sizzle with emotion and logic, which is guaranteed to get them to take action.

how to write marketing emails